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Geneviève Clavet Roy
Tourisme Région de Thetford
Coordonnatrice de la mise en marché touristique
Last Articles
Explore the culture of the Thetford region
Discover what makes the Thetford region unique in terms of culture and heritage.
Written on December 6, 2024
Turquoise water in the Thetford region
The reputation of ancient mining pits filled with turquoise water goes beyond the borders of the Thetford region. But where can we observe this phenomenon? Here's a list of the best places to see it, believe it, and share it on social media!
Updated on September 17, 2024
4 orchards where you can pick your apples!
U-picking apples is the perfect fall activity to do with the family! Good thing, the Thetford region is well served with apple growers!
Updated on September 3, 2024
Nouvelles des membres Minéro en safari : une nouvelle exposition du Musée Minéro
Le Musée Minéro vous invite dès maintenant à découvrir sa toute nouvelle exposition itinérante Minéro en safari! L’animal et le minéral se rencontrent dans cette exposition unique où vous est dévoilée la multitude de liens inusités qui unit ces deux…
Updated on July 19, 2024
Visites à la ferme
Éleveurs, producteurs, transformateurs : voici des suggestions pour visiter les fermes de la région!
Written on July 3, 2024
Se rafraîchir dans la région de Thetford
Voici une liste de lieux publics pour se rafraîchir en ces chaudes journées d'été.
Updated on July 3, 2024
It's impossible to resist the lure of ice cream in the summer!
Let yourself be seduced by one of the many dairy/sandwich shops in the Thetford region.
Updated on July 3, 2024
Visit the mines in virtual reality!
Visit four major mining sites in the Thetford region thanks to immersive virtual reality videos available at the Minéro - Thetford Museum.
Updated on July 3, 2024
Nautical activities in the Thetford region
The region of Thetford is filled with several bodies of water, natural as well as artificial, as well as magnificent rivers. Nautical activities are popular!
Updated on July 3, 2024